I was about to get a new phone for my birthday, the one that I wanted.
But then I lost my phone, so no..this christmas I won't get a new phone.
While all my friends have new 4g phones, I probably won't even have a phone.
It would help so much if they could have just returned it... we all know someone found it.
I have been having the worse weeks of my life. And my birthday is in three days. This will be my first birthday depressed ever. And its not just over my phone. *I'm not like that*. My great aunt died. My grandmother is sick. My mom seems to be getting sick because her stomach won't stop hurting. My dad...whatever. My grandpa is having walking troubles. {I have no one left in my life, what is going on}. Oh and the car broke down, so I couldn't have my highschool interview at the school I really wanted to go to, and I didn't get a scholarship.
What's next?
Normally I have an idea of how to make things better, and what to do. But right now I have no next steps. I can't even process a thought. I thought I had a happy life, untill now. I think I'm just gonna sit back and watch it all play out. There is really nothing else I can do.